Artist Registration for the 51st Medina Annual Art in the Park

This event takes place on Sunday, July 20, 2025.

Registration for this event closes in 1 month, 1 week, 6 days on Sunday, March 30, 2025.

Show Hours: 10am – 5pm

For fifty-one years, the Medina County Art League has sponsored Art in the Park, a FINE ARTS festival and sale. Accomplished artists showcase their best paintings, sculpture, ceramics, drawings, assemblages, fine jewelry, photography, and other works at the Medina’s Public Square to share with an estimated crowd of 10,000 people. We invite artists to submit their FINE ART works and apply for a space in the 2025 Art in the Park.


Eligibility and Jurying

Artist excellence of original works is the sole criteria for selection to present a overall well-balanced show. Images are reviewed by jurors in a blind jury online process. Artists are selected only by the submitted digital images and descriptions (process, materials and dimensions) provided. The jury is comprised of seasoned art professionals. ALL JURY DECISIONS ARE FINAL.

No molds, kits, or commercial products will be permitted. Accepted artists are expected to properly label all commercially produced reproductions. The jury requires that no more than 25% of artists' displays include such reproductions. An on-site jury committee will tour the show to determine artists' compliance with eligibility requirements. Those that do not comply will be asked to leave.


Artist Responsibility

The artist is required to be on-site throughout the hours of the show. No dealers or agents are permitted. Artists are responsible for setting up their display with appropriate weather protection, keeping space free of clutter, and may not start to tear down prior to 5 pm. We strictly enforce booth tear down! Sales tax is the artist's responsibility. The current Medina County sales tax is 6.75%. Sales tax rates are available at, select Ohio Taxes, Sales & Use, and then Tax Rates and Changes.

All artists should carry liability insurance in case of damages to their artwork or booth. Medina County Art League is not liable for any lost, damaged, or stolen goods, and property.


Application Procedure

During the application process, artists will submit 4 recent unenhanced images of their work and 1 booth/set image which is mandatory. Your images must be in JPEG format and under 4MB in size. You will then be asked to submit the non-refundable application fee. Artists will receive notification by way of email the week of April 20th regarding acceptance, along with further instructions regarding booth payment due June 1st.


Exhibit Spaces 

Approximately 130 artist exhibit spaces are available this year. Standard spaces are 10' wide x 10' deep and should not extend outside those dimensions. Booths should also set back 5’ from the sidewalk. Space between booths will be determined by the number of booths entered into the show. If you need more space please consider purchasing a double space. A limited number of double spaces are available. Tents must be fire resistance rated and the corners must be weighted with a minimum 25lbs. GENERATORS, STAKES, OR GROUND COVER ARE NOT PERMITTED! The use of any material to alter the park ground, including but not limited to mulch, pallets, carpet or otherwise is strictly prohibited PER THE CITY OF MEDINA. Artists are responsible for maintenance and clean-up of their space.



  • Application Fees are $15 and are non-refundable.
  • Booth Fees shall be paid by June 1, 2025 after an artist has received email notification.
    • Single Booth Space Fee = $140
    • Double Booth Space Fee = $280
  • Please select single or double space in the BOOTH OPTIONS section.

NO REFUNDS WILL BE MADE AFTER JURY SELECTIONS HAVE BEEN COMPLETED. If the show is canceled all booth fees will be refunded in full.



  • January 1, 2025 - Registration Opens
  • March 30, 2025 - Registration Closes
  • April 20, 2025 - Final Jury Decisions
  • Week of April 20, 2025 - Artists notified by way of email
  • June 1, 2025 - BOOTH FEE DEADLINE
  • July 19, 2025 6pm - Artists Setup Day (scholarship donations can be submitted)
  • July 20, 2025 6am - Artists Setup Day (scholarship donations can be submitted at registration booth, refreshments available)
  • July 20, 2025 10am to 5pm - Day of Show (scholarship donations ready for pickup by 8:30 a.m. or submitted by 9:00 a.m.)


Awards and Cash Prizes

Best of Show and Body of Work Awards

  • Best of Show - $1,000 (Judged Day of Show)
  • Body of Work First Place - $800 (Judged Day of Show)
  • Body of Work Second Place - $600 (Judged Day of Show)
  • Body of Work Third Place - $400 (Judged Day of Show)
  • Boby of Work Honorable Mention - $200 (Judged Day of Show)


Best of “Category” awards

  • Each of the categories will have a "Best of" Award in the amount of $100. (These are judged via photos submitted in the Application) 

All awards will be presented to the artists at their booths in the afternoon and announced via loudspeaker.


Support Services

Refreshments, signage, free parking, 24 hr. security, booth sitters, set up assistance (Boy Scout Troops) for transporting booth contents to/from vehicles (donations are encouraged). Statewide advertising will also be provided by the art league and in local and regional newspapers, internet, radio, street signs, etc.

Volunteers assisting artists are not liable for any damage to artist property during Art in the Park.


Art Scholarship Donations

Each artist is STRONGLY ENCOURAGED to donate one item of your work to the MCAL Art Scholarship Booth. Monetary donations are also accepted. Artists can leave donations at the registration table during Saturday evening setup, or have it ready Sunday morning by 8:30 a.m. for pick up by a member of the Art in the Park Committee. All proceeds will be awarded to graduating Medina County high school seniors continuing their art education in college.

Personal Information

Welcome Back

If you have registered with an OJS hosted show (Like this one!) before, enter the email address and zip code you used for that registration and click Look Me Up. If we find your registration, we will fill in the rest of your address information below and save you all that work. And on the next page, you will have to option of using your uploaded photos from that registration too.

If this your first time here or do not want to use this feature, DO NOT enter anything in these two fields, skip down to the 'First Name' field and start filling in your information from there.

Fields marked with an * are required.
Note: This must be a valid URL. If you do not have a website, do not enter anything here.

Art Category

  (This amount is not due now but must be paid by the final deadline of June 1, 2025.)

This question is to confirm that you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions.

Next step, upload your images.