Welcome to the Online Jurying System! The quickest, easiest, simplest way to handle art event registration and jurying.
(Looking for our current shows? They are right here!)
- Artists
- Simple, fast, three-step process.
- No more sending in slides.
(And waiting for their return!) - Secure, convenient payment methods.
- New 'Welcome Back' feature makes registering for a show even faster if you've registered with an OJS hosted show before.
- Learn More...
- Organizers
- Great for juried art shows, exhibition catalogs or even non-juried events.
- Jury by artist or entry.
- Entirely self-funded—no big expenses for event organizers.
- No more going through shoeboxes full of slides.
- No more sending them back to the artists!
- Web-based system; no software to install.
- Send out jury results notifications with one click including a secondary (booth) payment option.
- Learn More...